What do you believe to be true about yourself and who planted those thoughts? Parents can shape who you believe you are in positive or negative way. Some people spend years trying to prove their parents wrong about a belief that they might have about them. That's why we have so many people walking around with low self esteem issues! It's because they are finding their identity in who their parents believe them to be.
Now don't get me wrong, not all self perception thoughts originated from your parents. There are others that can play into that role like your spouse, teachers, media, and friends. I have struggled for years trying to remove negative words from my mind that my parents carelessly spoke into me. Parents can say some really hurtful things when they are drunk or under the influence of drugs.
So, what's the remedy? I would first say stop and take a moment to write down what you believe to be true about yourself, positive and/or negative. Make two columns if you would like to keep it organized. If you're really curious as to who might be influencing your life, whether in a positive and/or negative way. Then write down the names of the people who planted those thoughts in your mind. Then take a moment to evaluate your thoughts and who is influencing your self perception.
Hmmm.... Are you a little surprised? Isn't it eye opening to see how you view yourself, and who is influencing your thoughts. As you know by now, I'm a woman of faith. So of course I am going to spin this concept back to God, because after all he is our Father and Creator.
Romans 8:16,17
"The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."
Many times I go about my day forgetting the truth of who my father is. He is someone that has a plan for me, that wants to bless me, who loves me, and he is who I should be finding my identity in. How many times did Jesus pop up on your list as someone that influenced a thought of how you viewed yourself?
If you want a healthy self perception of yourself then take the time to get into God's word. He has given us an entire book to help us with our journey in life. As you dig into God's word ask Him how He sees you. Spend some quiet time just listening to Him, because He will give it to you straight!
A word of caution though... God might reveal some things that you find your identity in that He might ask you to change. He only wants you to be whole so don't be afraid. Finding your identity begins with knowing God, and what He believes to be true about you. Have a blessed day!