Youth Speaker/Advocate for Children of Alcoholics or find me on Twitter @CherishBeamHolt

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Resource for Children of Alcoholics/Abuse

The other day a blonde perky woman walked through my store doors asking if I would hang a poster up for her, and hand out some flyers about a fund raiser.  She explained to me that the fund raiser was for C.A.S.A., Court Appointed Special Advocates.  "CASA Volunteers protect a child's rights and ensures their safety" she said.  "Basically, it provides children from abusive homes a voice in the court system."

I found myself so excited to relay this information on for those that are in need and want out of their abusive home life.  Even though you are under the age of eighteen, you have rights too!  If you are a teacher or have a friend that feels trapped within their abusive home life, please pass the following info on to them.  They have volunteers all over the United States and will help, and it could save their life.

National CASA Association
100 West Harrison Street
North Tower
Suite 500
Seattle, WA  98119
