When I was fifteen years old, following my father's death, my mother gave me away. Fortunately, it was to a loving Christian family. My younger brother on the other hand was physically removed by social services, and bounced around from home to home. Even though I know that this was best case scenario for my situation, it bothered me.
Why was I born into this messed up family? Why did I have to deal with the feelings and emotions that came along with this baggage? Why did it have to end with me being separated from my younger brother? Why do I feel all alone in the world?
In my personal situation, I went from being the oldest child to the youngest of five. I was the only child in the family that was not biological. My new parents poured an endless amount of unconditional love, time and energy into preparing me for adulthood. Yet, I still felt like I was always trying to gain their approval and love even though I already had it.
Ultimately, I had this lie that I believed, because of my childhood timeline. I never felt that I would ever be good enough for anyone to love. This desire for perfection and success consumed me, because I thought it would make up for me not being "normal".
There was a pastor that preached on "Our Adoption Through Christ" that helped me to better understand the adoption process. He explained to the congregation that everyone who makes a decision to follow Christ is adopted into God's family. Our Father in Heaven demonstrated His love and acceptance of us through sacrifice. He chose to allow us into His family, and He has given us complete acceptance and love through is son, Jesus.
The small piece of that sermon I walked away with that day was that we were chosen. In the same way my new family chose to take me in. They made the decision to alter their life and make sacrifices for my sake. This helped me with the lie that I needed to perform for love and acceptance, because I was a part of a family now. I no longer needed to fear abandonment, because I had been chosen.
This is not to say that if you haven't found your "Forever Family" on earth that you don't have hope. You can make the decision to be a part of God's forever family. It's a really quick adoption process! All you have to do is to ask God to forgive you of your sins through Jesus and ask Him to allow you into His family.
If you ask to be a part of God's family you will never be alone. You will always be loved and cared for. You will still have trials, but you will have a Father in Heaven to pray to and to receive guidance from. You do not need to go through life feeling rejected and alone, because there is a Heavenly Father who loves you and desires to have a relationship with you.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. That whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.