Youth Speaker/Advocate for Children of Alcoholics or find me on Twitter @CherishBeamHolt

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How Will Your Story Go?

How will your story go?  Everyday we get the opportunity to play the lead role in our own life story, and we have complete creative control over our character.  Unfortunately, that's all.  We do not get to control how the other characters play out their roles around us.  We only get to determine how we react to them and our own personal choices.  We determine if we choose to be the victim, the heroin, the villain or the saint.

So, I ask you "How will your story go?" The reason that I pose this question to you is because most likely no one else ever has.  What do you want in your life?  What are you passionate about?  What kind of person do you hope to become?  Most Children of Substance Abuse are so busy trying to survive today that they are not thinking about tomorrow.  We are not given the luxury of being invested in by our parents, because we are too busy taking care of them and those around us.  I want to give you the opportunity to stop for a minute and think about what kind of story you would like to live out and write.

When I was in high school I hoped and prayed that I might someday be the first in my family to go to college.  I also hoped to do ministry and to be a loving mother and wife.  My desire was to then and now encourage those around me and to show them love.  So, I surrounded myself with role models at school and at church to help me with this quest and passion that I had set out on.  Because I pursued my passions and dreams, the little girl that started out in the trailer park did get to go to college.

When you allow yourself to dream and set goals it is important that you surround yourself with leadership that can help you to achieve them.  Just because you have a messed up home life it does not dictate who the character of your story will become.  Sure, you will have issues that you will have to work through, but it does not mean all hope is lost.  You do not have to settle for less, because you are the one writing your story!

Mother Teresa's father died when she was eight years old, at the age of twelve she knew that she wanted to commit her life to serving others and God, and at the age of eight-teen she left home to become a nun.  Mother Teresa followed her passion, set goals, and left an imprint upon history, because she did not let her circumstances dictate her life.  She chose to allow God to pave the way for her.

2 Corinthians 12:9a (LB)
I am with you; that is all you need.  My power shows up best in weak people.

There are millions of other success stories of how children that face hurdles in their life overcome them.  Your choices today impact your tomorrow.  Will your character continue to be silent about the abuse behind closed doors, or will your character overcome their fear and reach out to the school councilor for help?  Will your character dare to dream about who they want to become and set goals towards achieving what might seem to be impossible today?

Perhaps, your character loves science, reaches out to their science teacher with their hopes and ambitions to become a scientist, and someday your character discovers the cure for AIDS?  Or maybe, your character is a warrior and someday becomes a Navy Seal and saves lives?  Who ever your character is, know that today you are writing a page within your book.  The pages that you write today lay the foundation to the chapters ahead.  So, once again I ask you "How will your story go?"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post. If only more people could believe that they themselves can make a difference. Like you said, "Just because you have a messed up home life it does not dictate who the character of your story will become."
    Surrounding yourself with people who will make you better - I commend you for that. Keep your eyes on your goal. One day you will have trophies of grace to show our Heavenly Father.
